Emergency Shelter

ANE's responsibilities in terms of provision of emergency shelters were entailing to cover refugee camps administered under Kenyan Borena, Gambella and Assosa Refugee Operations between 2012 and 2019 reporting period. This particular program interventions were focusing as part of efforts made to meet the basic needs of newly arrived refugees in the regions.

Having seen the great demand for shelter for those relocated Refugees from Ashura and Sherkole to Tsore temporary refugee location in Benshangul – Gumz Regional State, ANE constructed and handed-over 100 Tukuls Shelters by expending its own budget in 2015 fiscal year. The shelter construction materials were Eucalyptus Trees, Corrugated Iron Sheets, Nails, Bamboos and Plastic Sheets. The 100 shelters were completed in one month period covering between 22th of August and 22th of September 2015. The size of the Tukul Shelter was 4meters by 5meters, which is standard for one household. It was evident that this shelter project intervention made by ANE was recorded to improve the safety, dignity and security of targeted vulnerable refugee households.

In the project partnership made with UNHCR and RRS in 2015 budget year, ANE effectively constructed total of 258 emergency shelters in Dillo and Megado Refugee Camps. These shelters were constructed using mud and bamboos and benefited more than 1500 vulnerable refugees arrived in Ethiopia to seek protection. This project demonstrated ANE’s organizational capacity to respond to the plight of refugees in the country.

In consideration of the new refugee influx occurred in Gambella Region in 2017 budget year, ANE actively took part in construction of 400 family tents and 200 emergency shelters (Bajaj) in Pamdong Transit Center. Likewise, between 2015 and 2017 Reporting periods, other 3432 Emergency Shelters benefiting 17,160 individual refugee beneficiaries were built by ANE in Terkidi, Negugnyyiel Refugee Camps, Gambella Regional State.

Between 2017 and 2019 Planning Years, construction of more than 1600 emergency shelters was completed respectively in Gure Shombolla and Tesore Refugee Camps in Assosa Operation, with the view to reach newly arrived South Sudanese refugees in Gambella Region and subsequently relocated to the refugee camps of Assosa Operation, Benishangul-Gumze Regional State.

In 2018, UNHCR was able to set the objective as to sustain or continue improving living conditions in all camps of Gambella Operation by providing and maintaining individual shelters, communal structures and other buildings. In this context, ANE was able to construct 630 emergency shelters benefiting close to 3000 new refugees in Ngugnyiel Camp.

Between May and July 2019, ANE, in collaboration with UNHCR, RRS and RCC, has been able to conduct series of renovation activities covering more than 17 idle public structures located in Bokolmayo, Kobe, Helewyen and Buramino Refugee Camps, Melkadida Operation, Somali Regional State. These particular interventions supported to manage the reception of more than 2000 newly arrived Somali refugees previously registered in Eritrea. Likewise, ANE completed the construction of 150 Standalone Emergency Shelters (35 in Bokolmayo, 45 in Kobe, 30 in Helewoyn and 40 in Buramino Camps), which is apparently considered as one of great achievements continuing to enhance assistance for newly arrived refugees in the operation.

In 2020, ANE successfully ensured the provision of 212 emergency shelters in Nguenyyiel Refugee Camp, Gambella Region. Using the newly adopted shelter porotype design, 350 improved emergency shelters were constructed for the first time in Bokolmayo, Kobe, Heleweyne, Buramino and Melkadida Refugee Camps in Dollo Area. 136 emergency shelters in Tsore and Gure-Shambola refugee camps in Assosa region were constructed during the same reporting period.

In 2021 & 2022, ANE in collaboration with UNHCR and RRS, acted in the construction of emergency and transitional shelters for vulnerable refugees in Somali Regions. Since 2021, ANE constructed and handed over 100 improved shelters, 500 New upgrade shelters and over 550 stand alone shelters for 5,135 somalia refugees in Bokolmayo, Melkadida, Kobe, Helwoyn and Buramino refugee settlements.

In 2022, with the support of UNHCR, ANE has constructed 1329 Emergency Shelter for refugees relocated from Tongo and Gure Shembola and also constructed 75 Transitional Shelter and 72 maintenance. ANE also built 60 Temporary Accomodation hunger, 17 Emergency Communal Kitchen, 42 Family Tent. In the same year ANE constructed an Emeregncy shelter for refugees in Gambella & IDPs in Afar, funded by UNHCR.